Newly Swissed Online Magazine

Memorable Paper Art by Adrian Merz

Adrian Merz, a Swiss graphic designer, has arranged thousands of white Post-It notes to create the incredible "Winter 1972" project. Inspired by a perfume of the same name, he used the Post-Its to transform a living room into 1972 Winter Wonderland.

As part of the project, the artist had interviewed a number of individuals in their living rooms. Their personal memories, stories and feelings about the winter of 1972 were inscribed on the back of Post-It notes, which in turn were used to create the larger picture.

Paper Art by Adrian Merz

Paper Art by Adrian Merz

Paper Art by Adrian Merz

Paper Art by Adrian Merz

Paper Art by Adrian Merz

Paper Art by Adrian Merz

(Pictures courtesy, via here)

Dimitri Burkhard

As the founder, editor, and community manager of Newly Swissed, Dimitri owns the strategic vision. He is passionate about storytelling and is a member of Swiss Travel Communicators. Dimitri loves discovering new trends and covers architecture, design, start-ups and tourism.

Dimitri Burkhard

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