Newly Swissed Online Magazine

Soon No More “Death by PowerPoint” in Switzerland?

Swiss Anti-PowerPoint Party

On their website, the newly founded Swiss Anti-PowerPoint Party states the following: "The fact is that the average PowerPoint presentation creates boredom." Agreed!

Interestingly, the APPP states that "the use of presentation software costs the Swiss economy 2.1 billion Swiss francs (US$ 2.5 billion) annually." This number is based on lost productivity by employees sitting in on presentations which essentially serve no purpose.

Their noble mission is not to abolish PowerPoint presentations from the face of Earth, but to remove any constraints associated with them. In other words, students who are not using PowerPoint as a presentation tool should not get a lesser grade. Along the same lines, professors and marketeers should no longer have to justify why they have chosen not to use PowerPoint.

As a remedy to PowerPoint slides, founder Matthias Poehm suggest to use flip charts. In the below clip, he demonstrates how effective verbal communication combined with simple graphics can be in conveying a message. Think Steve Jobs: He may be one of the best storytellerys around who mainly uses images to underline his main messages.

Have you ever had a case of "Death by PowerPoint"? And do you support the Swiss anti-PPT initiative?

Dimitri Burkhard

As the founder, editor, and community manager of Newly Swissed, Dimitri owns the strategic vision. He is passionate about storytelling and is a member of Swiss Travel Communicators. Dimitri loves discovering new trends and covers architecture, design, start-ups and tourism.

Dimitri Burkhard

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