Newly Swissed Online Magazine

Was Mickey Mouse Making Swiss Cheese? (Urban Myth)

Key Takeaways:

🧀 The rumor about Mickey Mouse making Swiss cheese using an obscene method is false.

🧀 The viral animated GIF that's been circulating since 2011 is a manipulation of original Disney cartoons, likely based on Steamboat Willie from 1928.

🧀 When analyzing the GIF and scrutinizing the details, pay close attention to each element and where it was taken from the original source.
Was Mickey Mouse Making Swiss Cheese? Fake animated Disney Cartoon

In the annals of urban myths, the animation of Mickey Mouse making Swiss cheese with his penis keeps making the rounds.

Granted, it makes sense that a mouse would produce his most beloved food, cheese. But can it really be true that Walt Disney hid an obscenity in such a loving cartoon?

The origins of the Mickey Mouse Swiss cheese legend

The rumor dates back to an animated GIF featuring the characters Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and Peg Leg Pete in a cheese factory. They seem to be happily involved in the process of Swiss cheese production, with Mickey seemingly poking holes in the cheese.

On the surface, you might see Mickey Mouse making Swiss cheese in an inappropriate way. This is far from the truth, though.

The widely circulated animated GIF did not originate from an authentic Disney cartoon. The viral GIF was created in 2011 on the B3Ta Board.

👉 This is the manipulated scene of Mickey Mouse making Swiss cheese:

👉 It was made of various elements from Disney's Steamboat Willie.

The creator cleverly used images from the Disney cartoon Steamboat Willie, released in 1928, and spliced in additional animations to create the cheese-making scene.

Here's a breakdown of where to spot the elements from the GIF animation in the original cartoon clip:

00:35 - Peg Leg Pete frowning
00:35 - Mickey Mouse's hip movements and whistling
01:27 - Parrot laughing, plus overall background of the GIF animation
04:32 - Minnie Mouse's cranking motion


Dimitri Burkhard

As the founder, editor, and community manager of Newly Swissed, Dimitri owns the strategic vision. He is passionate about storytelling and is a member of Swiss Travel Communicators. Dimitri loves discovering new trends and covers architecture, design, start-ups and tourism.

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