Newly Swissed Online Magazine

7 Swiss Bands to watch out for in 2017

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017

The new year is set to bring some fresh wind into the Swiss music scene.

From reggae to rock, a number of new acts have started to emerge from all corners of Switzerland. In 2017, they are going to flourish on festival stages and air waves, so we are looking at an exciting time ahead.

Below is a list, in no particular order, of up-and-coming Swiss bands recommended by your team. Take a listen and look out for these talents once they make it big:

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017 - Brandy Butler

Brandy Butler competed in the Swiss edition of The Voice in 2012.

This singer was born in the US but moved to Switzerland in 2003 to work as an au-pair in the Zürich region. Her new album will be released on the January 27, 2017. She present a very personal twist to a jazz and soul rhythm. It’s music of the night and goes perfectly with a glass of red wine.

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(Recommended by Vanessa)

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017 - Hecht

Hecht is a rock pop band from Zürich with catchy upbeat songs.

The band has the reputation of being really energetic during their live performances – making even the most reserved Swiss stand up and dance.

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(Recommended by Vanessa)

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017 - The Gardener & The Tree

The Gardener & The Tree is one of Vanessa’s discoveries of the year.

This band from Schaffhausen has a sound which reminds me of The Lumineers or Mumford & Sons. On a rainy day, I gladly escape to the voice of Manuel Felder to discover big open green spaces and waterfalls.

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(Recommended by Vanessa)

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017 - Cilia Hunch

Cilia Hunch is a promising, self-described “future soul” act.

Their first album will actually be released in autumn 2017. So thanks to our line-up, you get the chance to know them before they become mainstream…

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(Recommended by Vanessa)

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017 - Pedestrians

Pedestrians are a young reggae band from Baden.

When it comes to the Pedestrians, we are not talking about Bob Marley reggae, either. Thanks to their innovative mix of ska and reggae, the band has single-handedly created a new music style. I really dig their fresh tunes and am looking forward to more in 2017.

(Recommended by Dimitri)

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017 - Charlie Rose & The Washing Machines

Charlie Roe & The Washing Machines has already been featured in Ticino media outlets.

She (Charlie Roe) is a Swiss Italian singer and songwriter, inspired by the sound of British pop and rock. With her band, or on her own, she delivers amazing songs with an international feeling. I love their sound and she has an amazing voice. They have a great style.

(Recommended by Alessandra)

Swiss Bands to watch in 2017 - Make Plain

Make Plain is a name that says it all.

This band from Ticino wants to go back to the roots of simple, pure blues and rock. They have a strong American style but their sound is fresh and full of energy. They just released a new album and I totally love it. But I also love a video from 2013 called “Nufenen Pass” (so Swiss, yet so American).

(Recommended by Alessandra)

Discover more bands that emerged in 2014

Dimitri Burkhard

As the founder, editor, and community manager of Newly Swissed, Dimitri owns the strategic vision. He is passionate about storytelling and is a member of Swiss Travel Communicators. Dimitri loves discovering new trends and covers architecture, design, start-ups and tourism.

Dimitri Burkhard

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