Newly Swissed Online Magazine

20 things that many Swiss Abroad miss

Moving abroad for a decade is probably one of the most exciting things I have ever done. Some memorable moments when my Swiss heart about jumped a beat were when our visiting friends showered us with Swiss goodies: Bottles of Rivella, bars of Swiss chocolate, chunks of Swiss cheese (the real kind) and even the occasional illegal bratwurst (pssst!)...

Apart from all material goods, there are many things that the Swiss abroad miss about Switzerland, including these 20:


1. Distances in Switzerland are mindbogglingly short and it takes no time to get from place A to place B! Crossing Switzerland along its longest axis takes just four hours...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Distances


2. Exercising direct democracy in the most direct way! Because the tradition of getting up early on voting day, taking a stroll down to the local Gemeindehaus and having a chat with the neighbors beats mailing in your ballot!

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Direct Democracy


3. Oh, those gorgeous lakes! Who needs an ocean, anyway?

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Lakes


4. 1st of August is the ultimate holiday of the year, no?

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - 1. August National Holiday


5. Where else can you get a decent mixed salad Salatteller?

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Salad Plate


6. ... or a refreshing Rivella beverage?

Rivella in Switzerland

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7. Punctuality. But hey, even in Switzerland it is OK to show up two minutes late to meet friends!

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Swiss Punctuality


8. Hiking in the Swiss Alps! No matter how toughened up one thinks they are, the green pastures, majestic peaks and mountain restaurants with kitschy sunbrellas will surely conjure up feelings of homesickness...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Hiking Swiss Alps


9. Cervelat. Need we say more?

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Cervelat


10. And bread. Phew, I always missed that yummy Swiss bread...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Swiss Bread


11. Those unmissable town festivals with live Ländler folk music and vendors selling cotton candy and smelly raclette!

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Laendler Swiss Folk Music


12. And then those charming, colorful houses dotting the cobblestone streets of old towns...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Houses Appenzell
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13. A good old cow crossing!

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Cow Crossing


14. Roasted almonds, Magenbrot and merry-go-rounds bring back memories of childhood visits to the Chilbi fairgrounds...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Chilbi


15. Tap water from the source... If someone was to sell it commercially, the label would simply have to state "Natural Swiss Tap"!

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Tap Water


16. Switzerland is perfectly clean as streets are routinely swept and littering is rare. A common joke is that one could just as easily have a Sunday picnic on the pavement of a Swiss street...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Clean Streets


17. Despite daily papers and mobile news, it is good to know that the Tagesschau news program is still on TV every night at 19:30...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - SF Tagesschau


18. Dialects are part of the Swiss DNA! Many Swiss who live abroad realize how nice it is to hear train announcements in various dialects or people chatting in their distinct dialects when they come back to Switzerland...

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Dialect


19. Arriving at the Zürich Airport terminal E for a visit at home!

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - ZRH Terminal E


20. We've reached the bottom of the list. Say what?!? We've missed something? Wait - you're right! CHOCOLATE!!!

Things Swiss Abroad Miss - Swiss Migros Chocolate

(Originally posted on and loosely translated with permission of the original author, Anastasia Mamonova)

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Dimitri Burkhard

As the founder, editor, and community manager of Newly Swissed, Dimitri owns the strategic vision. He is passionate about storytelling and is a member of Swiss Travel Communicators. Dimitri loves discovering new trends and covers architecture, design, start-ups and tourism.

Dimitri Burkhard

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